Monday, September 19, 2011

Mo's Midtown (Hartford, CT)

I spent four years of my life in Hartford, Connecticut, but it wasn't until late in my junior year/early senior year that I discovered Mo's Midtown...and I really don't know how I lived before then.

Mo's is a greasy spoon, no doubt about it, but their breakfast food is outstanding. While I have had the pancakes (and understand others' affinity for the same), it is the Egg McMo that has become the standard bearer for all breakfast sandwiches.

I order it on a hard roll, over-medium, with cheddar cheese -- and I've never had another breakfast sandwich which compares. Throw in the phenomenal home fries -- think large potatoes which melt in your mouth like butter -- and you'll be in heaven.

Oh, and their coffee is on-point too.

In short, when in Hartford, go to Mo's Midtown. And having gone back this past weekend provides even more incentive to return to my alma mater on a yearly basis...

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